RAFE'S LAIR Read online

Page 4

  Great this guy thinks he's a comedian. Marie stepped closer and poked him in the wall that was supposed to be a chest.

  "I don't have time for your shit. You know what I meant. You weren't listening to me before I asked you. Now. Get. The fuck. Outta. My. Way." she emphasized each word with a poke of her finger.

  Ethan looked down at her finger still poking him in the chest and looked back up at her face. He knew how to defuse his little firecracker. He grabbed a hold of her face and slammed his mouth down on hers. Her eyes flew big as saucers. Then she immediately softened into him and kissed him back. Damn he thought she'd put up more of a fight than that. No biggie. He wrapped his arms around her grabbing both cheeks of her ass and pulled her flush against him.

  Bringing the kiss to an end after too short a time in his book, Ethan pulled back and looked down at her. The biggest, sexiest grin spread across her gorgeous face. Oh yeah she enjoyed that just as much as he did. He was just about to say something when she did the last thing he expected and the one thing that almost made him cum in his damn pants.

  Marie smile up at the big idiot who thought he could just kiss her like he owned her. Riiight. Marie hauled back and punched him right in his cocky mouth splitting his lip open. Still smiling at him the entire time.

  Aw, hell he just might be in love. Ethan thought as he wiped the blood off his mouth. He looked at his fingers and then back at the firecracker that'd just decked him like she was a prize winning boxer. Pushing his fingers in her mouth, he said.

  "Now kiss it better."


  Ed had just come into Lair to have a few drinks, find him a sub...or three. Have himself a nice quiet, relaxing evening to help him unwind. Not clean up the mother of all messes. Shit why did things always have to be so damn dramatic in the supernatural world? Why couldn't he have been born an imp or maybe an angel? No scratch the angel bullshit, their lives were almost as dramatic as his. And who in their right mind wants to be immortalized to look like half naked chubby little baby things? They were just creepy if you asked him. Although it was far easier watching after pathetic humans than oh say vampires for instance.

  Of all the vamps he thought would do something this damn stupid, Rafe would have never crossed his mind. N... E.. V.. E... R! Ever, in fact if the Fates themselves had told him Rafe was going to all but kill his mate, he would have laughed in their creepy cute little faces and told them they'd lost their damn minds. It's a good thing they didn't divulge that little tidbit of info to his lowly self though. He probably, no, would be a pile of ash at their tiny little feet instead of here saving one of his closest friend's ass. Yay for our side!

  Ed wasn't saving Rafe from the counsel; he could give two shits 'bout those holier than thou fucktards. Yes, he was going to do his duty and inform them of Rafe's royal fuck up, but he wouldn't let them do a damn thing to Rafe about it. Ed would deal with Rafe himself. He owed the vamp that much. Not to mention Rafe was too important to keeping the supernatural community safe. They couldn't afford to lose such an honorable League enforcer. They really couldn't afford to lose a League period, but hey, Rafe was still one of Ed's favorites anyway. Although he would never admit that to the vamp, or anyone else. First, he had to save Rafe from himself. And then he had to save Rafe's unfortunate little mate from Rafe.

  Ed walked through the club without anyone or anything knowing he was even there. There were some perks to being a demon. First one being? He could walk through two worlds at once but not totally be in either one. Yeah ninjas had nothin on him. He was the ultimate sneak attack. Awwww yeeyah. Well him and angels, but again he was way cooler 'cause everyone knew demons were bad ass lookin. And they sure as hell didn't think demons wore diapers. Check and Mate kiddies.

  Ed walked right up behind Rafe while the rest of Rafe's fool crew had their thumbs up their asses. Well would ya looky there? He had two vamps who'd found their mates. Yippee. He only had the patience to deal with one Romeo at a time though. Mm kay. So Ethan could just friggin wait till Ed was ready to deal with his punk ass. Now that Ed knew what the hell was going on, he'd pay closer attention to the little minions.

  Thanks for the no heads up there Fates. Not! Ed thought looking up at the ceiling and giving them a thumbs up with a big goofy grin on his face.

  Looks like Ethan's mate had him pretty well whooped already thankfully. Literally, sweet little honey had just cold cocked the dip shit right in the jaw. Good girl. Note to self. Buy that girl a drink, cause Fates knew they all wanted to do that to the cocky bastard.

  Anyhoo, time to make a vamp go sleepy bye

  "Say goodnight Rafe." He said in Rafe's ear letting Rafe actually hear him.

  Ed reached out, fully phasing into the mortal world, and touched Rafe on the shoulder. The dude immediately dropped like a ton of bricks effectively releasing the girl. Yep. Demons rock and he knew it. Ed caught her before she could hit the ground. She didn't deserve any more pain than she was about to feel. Poor thing, she was gonna wish he'd just let her die before Ed was done with her.

  He could see her spirit pulling away from her body and he held both against his chest cradling her. Keeping her from going too far before he could get her put back together again. She looked at him, seeing his true form, and she cocked her head in confusion. Damn, no fear. Nice sweetness. She then looked down at her body in his arms and quickly looked back up at him. Yeah she didn't like that much though. He didn't blame her. He wouldn't either if he was her.

  "It's okay sweetness, I'll put your little Humpty Dumpty back together again. It's gonna hurt like hell, but I promise when I'm done you won't remember a thing and you'll be all better again."

  She then looked over at Rafe lying sprawled on the ground, her blood still on his mouth, then back to Ed again quickly. Her eyes were pleading with him and her face was all squished with fear. Yeah she was definitely Rafe's mate. Even after he'd killed her, she was still more worried about Rafe. Lucky bastard. Ed was gonna make sure that mother fucker suffered for being such a dip shit.

  Ed laid Rafe's mate down next to him staying close so he could keep her soul from slipping away. If that happened, they were all fucked. He'd never be able catch her and Rafe would go insane when he came to and she was dead. Rafe would have to be executed then. Once a supernatural found its mate, it could never live if the mate died. And there sure, as hell was no way the Fates were gonna help on that one.

  Sometimes Ed hated those insane little nymph wanna-be's. Yeah they looked like harmless little girls, but every supernatural thought they were friggin evil whether they admitted it or not. At least that was Ed's opinion anyway and his opinion was the only that mattered in his book.

  "He'll be okay, I promise. He's gonna feel everything you do though, cause I'm an asshole like that, but he's a big boy. He'll deal. Now you just look at me sweetness, and I'll take care of the rest."

  She did exactly as she was told. That's a girl. Yeah Rafe would pay dearly for making Ed do this to her. Ed kept his hand on the girl's chest to keep her soul hovering right above her body. And reached over to Rafe to revive him just enough to make him feel what he'd done to his mate, but not enough for him to be able to do anything about it. Rafe groaned coming to.

  "That's right asshole, wake up. You royally fucked up buddy. You’re a lucky sum bitch I like you, but I always come through at a price you know. And I will so make you pay for this one." Ed looked back at the girl. "Here we go sweetness. Oh and I'm sorry in advance."

  Ed bent down and kissed the girls blue lips calling on his awesomeness as a demon to jump start her life once again. Kinda like you'd jump start a truck. Her body jerked and then she about blew his ear drums out. Yeah they'd be ringing for a while thanks to her superb set of pipes.

  Ava screamed an ear piercing scream that Rafe felt all the way through to his cold soul. This thing was killing her! He had to be the devil himself. He looked like he was fire. Not on fire, was fire, but with horns and claws and he was burning her body to ash. She was c
ompletely surrounded by fire, his fire. Him! She had to be in hell now. But she didn't know what she'd done while she was alive to be sent here.

  Please stop! I'm so sorry for whatever I did to deserve this. Please, I'll do whatever you want, just please stop hurting me!

  Ava was trying to talk to the devil, but she couldn't make her mouth work. Probably cause the evil thing was kissing her. She tried to fight him off but her body wouldn't move. God please help me! She cried out with all her being even though she couldn't talk. She could see Rafe lying next to her, his body tight almost to the point of snapping. His face was contorted in pain and his mouth was open screaming just as she was. Why couldn't she hear him screaming? Why was he in pain too? The devil wasn't touching him.

  Please stop hurting him. He didn't do anything! Let him go damn you! The devil sat back up straight and smiled at her. I'd love to smack that smile off your face asshole. He laughed at that.

  "Damn girl, I don't remember the last time I've been shocked and amused by a human. And twice in one night, by two little human females. I am so going to enjoy watching Rafe fall all over himself trying to get you back. Give him hell sweetness; he deserves every bit of it."

  Ed touched the girl’s heart and forced it to start beating again. Her whole body jumped off the ground with the force of the impact going into her chest. Yeah, she'll feel that one in the morning. Sorry sweetness. Consolation prize? So would Rafe and Ed was going to damn well be there to see it. Thanks for playing boys and girls.

  Ava felt a slam rock through her body and it splinter apart like an explosion. Great! The evil devil turned her into a bomb and he killed Rafe and Marie with it. And that was the last thought she had before everything went black.

  Rafe felt so much pain he could barely breathe. It wasn't his pain he knew it wasn't. It was his beautiful's. Ed was here and he was killing her. When the hell did he show up? He had to stop the demon now before it was too late. Rafe saw Ed move more into his line of sight. The demon smiled at him and touched his head and Rafe saw exactly what he had done. Ed wasn't killing her he was healing her. Rafe had killed her! He'd lost it and bit her right there in the middle of the club. He'd been kissing her. She'd tasted so damn good he'd kissed his way down to her neck.

  He'd only wanted to breathe in her scent while he'd tried to calm himself down. He'd had to bury his face in her neck cause his eyes were glowing and his fangs had shot down into his mouth with a vengeance. He couldn't let her see him like that. He'd scare her to death and any chance he'd had to make her his would be gone. He was trying to protect her until he had the chance to explain what he was and he couldn't do that until he knew for sure she wouldn't run screaming in terror. Oh yeah, and that whole going to the counsel thing and getting permission from the elders. But that he couldn't make himself care too much about. He had to keep her at all costs.

  Ed was back in his face again. He'd stopped his little show and tell of Rafe's big fat oopsie. Thanks buddy.

  "Yeah that's right asshole you owe me one hell of a payback now. And you owe her an eternity of groveling for the pain you caused her." Ed said jerking his head in Ava's direction. "She won't remember a thing not you or even coming to this club. Especially not you. But you will. Every damn thing. And you'll know you lost her cause you’re a dip shit."

  No! Rafe tried to scream. He tried to move to grab his mate. Mate. That thought slammed into his head with the force of a runaway freight train knocking the breath out of him again. She was his mate. That's why he'd lost it. Everything that he was needed to get in on the action when it came to her. She was the one thing meant only for him.

  "Give this vamp a cookie; he's smarter than he looks." Ed said smacking Rafe upside the head. "Yes dumb ass. Took you long enough to figure it out though, and look at what its cost you."

  Keep it up fireball, when I can move paybacks will be a bitch. Rafe thought at Ed realizing the demon could hear his thoughts. Ed just grinned at him. He got up and picked up Rafe's mate's limp body. Don't you dare you ugly goat. Put her down. dammit bring her back to me. Ed I'll fucking kill you!

  Ed turned back to Rafe and grinning again said, "Yep kinda figured you'd want to do that. That's why you still can't move while I gotta do what I gotta do. Don't you worry your pretty little head though, once I get sweetness here safely home and away from you. Then you and I can have all the fun you want. Be back in a jiffy cupcake."

  With that, Ed winked blew Rafe a kiss and was gone with both girls. The club came back to life again. Rafe picked himself up off the floor feeling like he'd been used as a punching bag. Marcus and Nate looked at him like he'd grown three heads.

  "Mind telling me what the hell just happened." Marcus said to him. About that time, Ethan started freaking out.

  "Where the hell is she? She was right here in front of me." He said looking around them and even under the table. Gesturing wildly.

  Really, dude? Under the table? Well actually, in this club you really never knew. So yeah look away dude under every table just to be sure. Marcus looked back at Rafe raising a brow. Rafe said one word and that was all the explanation that was needed.


  "Ooohhh" They all said in unison nodding their heads and splitting back up to get back to work.

  Ethan was grumbling to Nate as they were walking away. "Man and I was just about to have her kiss my boo boo all better too." He said wiping the blood off his mouth again.

  "Don't look at me old man; I sure as hell ain't kissing you better." Nate said shaking his head.

  Ethan went after him acting like he was going to hug him. "Aw but pookie kins I need you."

  And that's when Rafe tuned them out. He turned to Marcus.

  "You look like shit man. Why don't you head out? You need a break. We got this for the rest of the night. If I need ya I'll call.” Marcus told him.

  "Yeah I do. Thanks man. See ya later." Rafe headed out of there to try to clear his head a little.

  Rafe had a mate. A beautiful one at that.

  And he'd lost her before he really had her.


  Cold eyes watched the vampires split up. A dark smile spreads across the face. How very interesting the honorable Rafe fed from a human in the open like that. Rafe the protector of the supernatural races defied the sacred laws he so valiantly upholds. That is of course unless it suits him not to apparently. Surely, the council would be intrigued to know the infallible League enforcer has failed the people. The people surely needed to know their mighty hero has betrayed them all as well.

  The question is what did the demon do with the girls? The demon was obviously here. Rafe told the others he was. He had to have been by the way the girls were suddenly gone. The eyes watching were sure Rafe had drained the girl dry. The last thing they saw was her turn white and go limp in his arms. The demon must have taken her body and the other girl and disposed of them. How very interesting that the demon would help Rafe cover up his crime.

  Unless the girl wasn't dead quite yet. If that was the case, than the demon saved her to protect Rafe. Well that just won't do. Rafe will pay for the lies he's lived. For the lives, he's ruined. First, the demon must be found, then the girls will be found through him. Then justice will be had. Laughing, the eyes exited the club to see where Rafe will lead them.


  Strong arms wrapped around her. A large hand flattened on her belly pulling her against the wonderful heat of a hard body. Soft breaths tickled her neck. Someone was in bed with her. The hand slipped under her tank top and started pushing it up. She felt as well as heard the rumble of a growl behind her. She gave a startled squeak when she felt soft lips touch her shoulder. He, it was definitely a he, gave a wicked laugh from her reaction.

  "Mmmm beautiful, so jumpy. Why on earth are you wearing clothes baby?" He said in a deep gravelly voice as he continued giving her soft kisses. She knew that voice, she didn't know how she knew it, but she did. He had her shirt up over her breasts. He lightly brushed his fingers ove
r her nipple as he went. It hardened instantly and she moaned wishing his hand would return there to give her a stronger touch. He grazed her shoulder with way too sharp of teeth to be normal and that made her jump again. He pushed her to her stomach as he pulled her shirt completely off. Chuckling again, he covered her body with his.

  "My sweet little beautiful, did you have a bad dream that's made you so skittish?" He asked kissing his way down her back. "Maybe that's why you’re so over dressed for bed baby." He was at the small of her back when he seemed to remember something. He kissed his way back up and kissed her shoulder once more before he grabbed her hands and pulled them above her head. He chained her so quickly she had no time to struggle.

  "There now. That's better." He said gliding his rough hands down her arms and moving back so his head was just above hers again. He moved her hair to one side exposing her neck. He nuzzled the crease where her shoulder and neck met. He whispered in her ear kissing and licking it and her neck in between words.

  "You’re so jittery tonight beautiful, this will help you relax while I enjoy my breakfast." He started kissing and nipping his way back down her body. He stopped at her shoulders again and grazed the outside of her breasts with his hands teasing her a minute before he continued his journey. Growling his approval of her as he went.

  Breakfast? At night? How is he going to have breakfast if he's doing these things to her? He couldn't possibly eat at the same time. He was at her butt now and he made a tsk tsk before he bit her hip where the band of her thong was. Not too hard, but hard enough to make her think again his teeth weren't normal. Lightly grazing his teeth across her skin he pulled back closing his mouth until the band of her panties was all that was in his teeth. He pulled his head back and the band ripped in half. Again, he rumbled his approval. And quickly kissing across the small of her back, he repeated his bite with the other side. She cried out with that one.